Who is Anon I mus?

Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous) is a spiritual teacher, book author and the founder of the Ego Awareness Movement/World Ego Awareness Day (WEAD) observed on May 11th of each year. His objective was to stay anonymous, hence ‘Anon I mus’ was cleverly created.  His apparent name and personal biography according to him are all equally meaningless in the grand scheme of things, for it is just a contrived story that gets in the way of the timeless, wisdom teachings.

“Being SPIRITUALLY ANONYMOUS in the world of names and form is a revolution of consciousness. We must take a stand by dropping all of our mind-made identifications/associations that we have attached to our essence identity.  At the deepest level, we are all connected to the invisible field of pure potentiality. 

We are spiritual beings (consciousness) having space-time human experiences (as individuals). The ego is our form identity (body-mind); by definition, forms take on the appearance of being separate and distinct from one another. We must awaken to the deeper truth that we are not limited or defined by of our given birth names (labels/titles) – thoughts – emotions – behaviors – concepts – beliefs systems – physical bodies (genders) – social roles – status – race (tribal identities) – personal stories  – material possessions – occupations – religious dogmas and creeds (Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Pantheist, New Age, etc.) – sociopolitical views – nationalities – cultural codes/traditions

Becoming ‘spiritual nobodies’ in the world is being free from the distractions of false ideas of who mistaken ourselves to be (based on social-cultural conditioning). To be fully awakened, we must make a radical flip in perception by recognizing our limitless nature as long as we do not attach our identity to ‘anything’. We are not the conceptual identities that give rise to the illusion of separateness/duality (I and other, us and them). In the eyes of the Cosmic Consciousness (the unseen, underlying fabric of reality), we are all existentially anonymous – nameless and formless expressions of the Primordial Source (All-That-Is).”

-Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)

In becoming spiritually awakened, one does not have any need or desire to seek out any personal credit, recognition or financial gain for sharing spiritual wisdom (universal truths) to those that are seeking. Pointing others back to their divinity is an act of love and should be given without any conditions.

“Spirituality is not for sale! It belongs to no-one in particular and is inherently free of charge for everyone. True spirituality, at its core, is a selfless sharing of Pure, Divine Love. This love is without any conditions and doesn’t cost a dime.”

The work that Anon I mus has been doing, has helped many people throughout the world change the way they look at themselves and embrace a deeper, interconnected reality with all life beyond form. People are encouraged to take a radical stand by stepping out of unconscious habit of identification with the stream of thoughts and embrace their still and silent, I AM essence. This creates a gap of witnessing space in the mind to which infinite fields of possibilities can naturally arise out of. In the process of consciously emptying ourselves of form-attachment (stripping away all that we are not); all that will remain is our unconditioned awareness, the sentient space of the presence.

Anon I mus’ Teachings and Mission

True liberation comes only from the total acceptance of our immeasurable Spirit (behind the appearance of all fleeting names, concepts, memories, events, emotions, dramas and so on) which is our intrinsic divine nature. The greatest victory in life is to discover the vast realm of intelligence existing prior to thought. It is through the deconstruction of our limited self and collective human ego/shadow that was formed over years of habits and conditioning that is our ultimate revolution.  Our spiritual journey of moving away from our body/mind identification back into the source of our true impersonal essence is what gives us our heartfelt sense of meaning, connection, freedom and purpose.

“The entire universe is an indivisible, ever-present conscious energy field that orchestrates the synchronization of events in order to aid us in awakening from the dream-like experiences of personal limitation; back to our limitless God-Self Realization.”

When one lacks true humility their actions will always stem from the guise of the human ego. The ego’s agenda is to create and reinforce a fixed sense of separateness by polishing it’s self-image and standing out from others. An individual with true spiritual humility (clear emptiness) in their selfless service to others avoids the trappings of seeking to enhance their illusory identity through outward validation from others – in the name of fame, recognition, status, distinctions, rewards, praise, monetary gain, and power. This is very difficult for the conditioned human mind to accept, but it is the truth nonetheless.

“All great spiritual truths are timeless. They belong to no particular group, faith or individual. So how can anyone take the recognition, claim or credit for simply rearranging, rephrasing, paraphrasing or interpreting these universal truths, which they have learned at some point in their lives? All credit belongs to Source, God-Consciousness, alone.”

Truth cannot be said or understood through intellectual understanding alone, for the intellect does not go deep enough; it can only be known via direct experience. True spiritual knowledge and wisdom can serve in showing the way. It is likened to a finger pointing to the moon. All words about the truth are only mere fingers pointing to the moon; but do not accept the fingers as the moon itself. The moment we start attaching, obsessing, despising or having personal bias to the fingers, then we have completely missed the “whole point”. The fingers were not the point; the point was the moon (truth). It is the message of who we fundamentally are that is most important, not the form that the messenger momentarily takes on.

Anon I mus’ functions as a teacher (pointer) to deliver the message of Oneness (Unity Consciousness), beyond the collective traumas, dramas, limitations and separation. He teaches the importance of realizing that ‘we do not have a separate life; we are life itself.’ Opening ourselves to this deeper understanding has the power to help others evolve, break free from the constraints that bind us and transcend our own psychological suffering. The key is understanding the nature of awareness (through self-inquiry) which is likened to the ever-present space that is around us, it is so simple that the mind often overlooks and misses this overflowing grace of the present moment.

Questioner: Why do you take the trouble in remaining anonymous in the spiritual community, protecting your anonymity? What is the deeper meaning behind your actions?

Anon I mus: There is a tremendous sense of freedom and unshakable peace by going beyond my own mental construct of person-hood (separate sense of self). This is done by embracing the deepest joy of inner emptiness (spaciousness), my ‘inner nobodiness’. When we are responding to life from the spiritual dimension of our No-self, then we are present with all life and are truly free. It is important for me to assist others by accepting my own nameless and formless essence-identity; without the need of allowing my personal self to be elevated on a pedestal with the unconscious need for external validation to appear ‘special’ to others. We can never equate the formless, One Life with a limited form (that would be falling back into the delusion of duality).

You can say that spirituality at its core is about representing our pure, ground of being as Non-Dual Spirit; the creative source of all manifestation. It is only through our emptiness which is the ground of all being that a perceived thing or quality can exist. The observing presence within is not a ‘somebody’, it is an aware intelligence prior to the sense of otherness. Of course, I also exist simultaneously in the relative world of experience as an apparent human being (for conventional terms) that still functions, survives and orients myself in the world. I fulfill certain social roles, duties and formalities; I still chop wood, pay taxes and carry water. It is about ‘being in the world, but not of it’. All of my tasks and societal responsibilities do not change in the world, but the quality of consciousness that I bring to those tasks drastically changes. My inner life (as a nobody) functions off the social matrix grid.  I choose to serve others with spiritual anonymity behind the scenes – as spirit invisibly works behind the phenomenal world of forms. I would rather serve as nameless consciousness, temporarily engaging in human experiences rather than representing a human being trying to have spiritual experiences (it is all just a matter of perspectives). One must develop the courage to pass through the alchemic fires so that the clinging or objectification to impermanent form and be transformed, crystallized, and purified (completely dissolved) in the Self. The unconditioned, non-localized presence of life in its pure state, has no interest in losing itself in a separate self at the expense of the greater Self (the Whole/Absolute Reality).

One of the best ways to rediscover our true nature is through the process of self-negation (in peeling away, discarding all the false layers of conditioning and labels attached to our pure essence). Having the courage to go beyond one’s identification with a falsely conceived story standing apart from the rest of the universe is the path to tranquility and true liberation. This mind-made ‘me and my story’ is an egoic mirage; built up from years of constantly changing ideas, reactions, limitations, preferences, images, emotions, physical senses, and social roles. Greater human suffering exists in identifying, clinging and protecting this unobserved mental construct as a separate, distinct you. All human suffering is comes from our allowing our unobserved psychological mind to run the show – unconsciously reacting to the narrative built by the content of thoughts and things in the world (which are all impermanent appearances projected onto the screen of awareness); they have no stability or independent autonomy in them (therefore they are not real).

We, at the deepest level are inseparably the one, ever-present space between and beyond all passing thoughts, sense perceptions, experiences, and so forth. There are no separate doers out there apart from the Cosmic Observing Witness (the Seer behind the seen); it is only  completeness with no spatial distance or imaginary boundaries between you and the other. The Self remains the unseen, unchanging backdrop (base container) onto which all manifestation come and go.

Through the process of inner detachment, you can relax in the expanded space and stillness of your witnessing awareness. As watchfulness, you no longer get entangled and dominated by the crippling weight of anxiety, neurosis, desires and attachment anymore (seeking for your sense of self in them). Therefore, you see all appearances in the mind objectively with dispassion; no longer threatened when they are inevitably subject to change or fall away. You are simply awareness being aware of yourself as unconditioned awareness, this is the pure state of inner knowingness.

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